Travel & How It All Started
It wasn’t until I was 24 that I realized how easy travel could be. I grew up going on family vacations once a year, usually to somewhere like Los Angeles, CA or Orlando, FL, and occasionally a trip to Canada, Mexico, or the Caribbean. I was under the impression that traveling to far off places was a bucket list thing. Then during my 24th year, I was dancing professionally was a dance company and the director told me that she was going to Italy and wanted the company to come. All we had to do was buy our plan ticket. I remember sitting in my kitchen in Chicago, watching the prices on google flights fluctuate for days for a ticket to Rome. One night ticket prices dropped and I found the courage to click “Purchase”. It was that easy…I was going to Europe for the first time.
Now, 6 years later, I have made travel to far off places my priority. I became known as the person in my different friend groups as the “traveler” and a savvy one at that. As a dancer and teacher, I was not making a ton of money, but I realized I did not have to in order to travel. I just had to be smart with my choices. Soon my friends and family members looked to me for recommendations for where and when to go, what restaurants to visit, what sites to see, etc. So I decided to document it; for myself and for a place to store my adventures, and for anyone else that is looking to travel and wants tips or inspiration. Happy travels and I hope you discover how travel only makes you kinder, richer, braver, more understanding, and compassionate to yourself, and to the rest of the world.
“Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life.”
— Michael Palin